But not forgotten…

1 minute

Hello my flower petal zombies, it’s been a minute. Safe to say I’ve fallen off the writing wagon in the last few days, weeks, months. 

This post signals to some that I am getting back on the proverbial wagon. That would be incorrect. I have abandoned the wagon altogether; this game of Oregon Trail won’t survive to manifest destiny.

My life is hectic, and will continue to be unpredictable for the foreseeable future. As such, I am doing away with schedule and deadlines, especially for something I consider a hobby and creative endeavor.

Soundcheck Sunshine will wait for me like an old friend, every time we meet we pick up right where we left off as if no time has passed. 

Improving myself through writing is not some passing fancy of mine, it is a deep desire founded from a core memory. I have complete faith in myself; not that I will write with consistency, but that I will always come back to this place.

I have many aspirations tied to my writing, and a mind that often thinks so far ahead I catch myself living in a future state that will never happen. I struggle with the here and now, always looking at the end goal or big picture when the steps to get there are just as important.

I find myself needing reminders that I don’t have to be good at something to enjoy it, to put it out into the universe, and to live without expectations of grandeur and perfection.

Until next time, my wagonless daisies.

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